Friday, July 22, 2016

A Poem and a Story

Another poem of mine, "Show Time,"  debuted today on Bookends Review.

And my story "The Secret Carer" has just been published in the UK journal Riptide's latest collection, Volume 11: Carpe Diem

The new, improved Village Voice

After years of diminishing content and quality, the Village Voice is beginning to look more like the former self that many of us relied upon for in-depth investigative reporting, local political news, and cultural coverage.   The Voice used to be one of the few places that regularly reviewed off-off Broadway theater and dance--now there's hope that it may be again, with former staffers Elizabeth Zimmer as lead dance critic and Michael Feingold once again heading the theater department.

The July 6 issue featured a gripping and disturbing investigation by Nick Pinto into the new LinkNYC network--a must-read that you can still find on the Voice's website.
The Village Voice still comes out every Wednesday.  If you miss it in the kiosks, you can find it online:

Monday, July 4, 2016

A Poem

Today, July 4th, one of my earlier poems, "Shelter," was published in an online journal:

Their format is to post a new poem each day (typically at an appropriate time) but if you don't actually get to it the day it's posted, you can find it later by the contributor's name.